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MXIC | Macronix (旺宏电子)

MXIC | Macronix (旺宏电子)

MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子为全球非挥发性内存整合组件领导厂商,提供跨越广泛规格及容量的ROM只读存储器、NOR型闪存以及NAND型闪存解决方案。MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子以世界级的研发与制造能力,提供最高质量、创新及具备高性能表现的产品,以供客户应用于消费、通讯、计算机、汽车电子、网通及其他等领域。

MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子于1989 年创立于台湾新竹科学园区,自成立以来,即持续落实自有产品的竞争优势,并不断提升生产制造能力,以提供客户高质量的产品与服务。因此,成功地与世界级大厂建立长期而互惠的策略伙伴关系。MXIC (Macronix)旺宏秉持高标准公司治理,致力维护投资人关系,并积极遂行企业社会责任,也获颁上市上柜公司治理制度评量认证的肯定,更成为园区第一家通过企业社会责任管理系统(SA 8000)验证之半导体公司。

MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子近几年约投资营业额的20%于研发工作,历年发表的技术论文,持续入选IEDM及ISSCC等多项国际学术会议。MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子目前拥有超过六千四百项国际关键技术及专利等知识产权,并与全球高科技业界领导厂商成立技术合作联盟,共同进行相变化内存先驱技术的研究;另外,MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子也领先发表全球首篇Flash前瞻技术之BE-SONOS™论文,皆是为了提供次世代非挥发性内存的解决方案。

MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子是全球少数能够提供从512Kbit 至 1Gbit 完整Serial NOR Flash系列产品的公司,我们并拥有极小尺寸的Flash产品,可充分符合可携式电子产品日趋轻薄短小化的趋势。更以自有技术研发NAND型闪存系列产品,以满足高阶嵌入式市场所需之高质量及高可靠性的应用。在ROM只读存储器部份,我们已开始量产32奈米XtraROM®产品。此外,MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子也提供良裸晶粒(Known Good Die, KGD)产品,以供系统级封装(System In Package, SIP)的需求。

MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子目前拥有一座十二吋晶圆厂(晶圆五厂)、一座八吋晶圆厂(晶圆二厂)及一座六吋晶圆厂 (晶圆一厂),晶圆五厂及晶圆二厂主要生产制造旺宏自有非挥发性内存产品,晶圆一厂则以利基型模拟及逻辑产品的晶圆代工业务为主。

此外,为落实专注经营,并达到资产运用优化的营运效益,MXIC (Macronix)旺宏电子独立逻辑产品部门,成立集团子公司。结合子公司于建构行动通讯平台(Mobile Platform Solutions)的研发技术能力,MXIC (Macronix)旺宏进一步扩大了集团整合运作的效果。

MXIC (Macronix), a leading integrated device manufacturer in the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) market, provides a full range of NOR Flash, NAND Flash, and ROM products. With its world-class R&D and manufacturing capability, MXIC (Macronix) continues to deliver high-quality, innovative and performance driven products to its customers in the consumer, communication, computing, automotive, networking and other segment markets.

MXIC (Macronix) was established in 1989 in the Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Since its inception, MXIC (Macronix) is dedicated to developing top-notch home-grown technologies and improving its manufacturing capability to offer its customers high quality products and services. We have successfully established remarkable strategic alliances and long-lasting relationships with first tier world-class companies. MXIC (Macronix) has also been adhering to high standards of corporate governance, enhancing shareholders' rights and advocating social responsibilities. The Corporate Governance Association awarded MXIC (Macronix) with the CG6002 certification. MXIC (Macronix) was the first semiconductor manufacturer certified with Social Accountability International Standard (SA 8000: 2001) in Hsinchu Science Park.

The company has been dedicating the averaged 20% of its annual revenue to Research and Development in recent years. Our technical papers have been published and presented in major international conferences, such as IEDM and ISSCC. MXIC (Macronix) has been granted more than 6,400 patents and continues its investment in advanced technology development. To provide the next generation of nonvolatile memory solutions, MXIC (Macronix) is jointly developing technology for Phase Change memories along with its high technology alliance partners in the world. MXIC (Macronix) also announced the world's first Flash prospective technology, BE-SONOS™.

MXIC (Macronix) is one of the very few suppliers offering a wide range of Serial NOR Flash products from 512Kbit to 1Gbit densities. We also provide Flash products with extremely small packages as well as very thin packages in space-constrained applications to meet the market trend. In addition, we launch our first generation NAND Flash product family which is ideal for embedded applications demanding higher quality and reliability. In our ROM Business, XtraROM® products with 32-nanometer process have been delivered. MXIC (Macronix) also offers a Known Good Die (KGD) program for System In Package (SIP) solutions.

MXIC (Macronix) owns one 12-inch wafer fab (Fab 5), one 8-inch wafer fab (Fab 2) and one 6-inch wafer fab (Fab 1). MXIC (Macronix) designs and fabricates its nonvolatile memory products in Fab 5 & Fab 2. Fab 1 focuses on strategic foundry business for niche analog and logic products.

In order to consolidate resources and optimize asset management, MXIC (Macronix) officially split its logic product division into independent subsidiaries to offer specialized mobile platform solutions. This further maximized the effect of integrated group operation.

Looking ahead, MXIC (Macronix) will continue its research efforts in advanced technology development focusing on nonvolatile memory products. We will continue to enhance our technologies, quality and service and dedicate ourselves to obtaining a superior industry position, higher sales growth, steady business operations, in turn increasing Taiwan's global competitiveness.

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